Project implementation period - 2020-2022
Total area - 50 ha
Potential for development - expanding the area of the greenhouse complex to 200 hectares
The productivity of the complex after reaching full production - 24 816 tons of greenhouse vegetable products
The construction of the following main objects is planned:
2 greenhouse blocks with a total area of 48 ha (1st block is standard, 2nd block with a seedling compartment);
technological corridors with an area of 2 ha;
electric power supply lines;
recycling water supply infrastructure with a pond system;
gas and electricity infrastructure.
A distribution center will be located on the territory of the greenhouse complex, equipped with packing and calibration lines, cooling rooms.
The distribution center will solve the following tasks:
storage of the finished products produced in the greenhouse complex;
storage of finished products purchased from the local residents (in accordance with concluded contracts);
sorting and packaging of finished products;
finished products shipment.